On Arrival “Ladies Who Lunch” makes Settling In so much easier

On arrival for us was a godsend. We came here two months ago from the other side of the world, not knowing a whole lot about where to find anything.
Eve from On Arrival met us at the airport, totally exhausted from over 40 hrs. of travelling. She took us to our place, helped us get settled in, and hasn't stopped helping since.

Everything from looking for a house, locating a school for our son, to buying furniture and groceries, she was there, guiding, advising and trying to make our relocation as smooth as she possibly could, even providing temporary household items when our shipping was delayed.

She has been checking on us, organising social events and “Ladies Who Lunch” outings to introduce us to other people, and simply just meeting for coffee to keep in contact and ensure that we are ok.
I would highly recommend On Arrival’s services to anyone, no matter where they might be moving from.

Fernando & Cintra Castellanos, Trinidad & Tobago


A recent article about On Arrival published by The Chamber of Commerce


On Arrival’s Service Never Stops